Psychedelic graphic of woman repeated in rectangular pattern. Blog. What Allan Watts say the meaning of life is?

What would Allan Watts, famed English philosopher say the meaning of life is?

Alan Watts, a renowned British philosopher and writer, explored the question of the meaning of life throughout his career. He believed that the fundamental problem with this question is that it assumes that life has a specific purpose or meaning, which he argued was a false assumption. Watts asserted that life is not a problem to be solved, but a mystery to be lived.

According to Watts, the meaning of life cannot be found by searching for it, as if it were a hidden treasure waiting to be discovered. Rather, the meaning of life is found in the present moment, in the experience of simply being alive. He encouraged people to embrace life fully and to engage in the world around them with enthusiasm and curiosity.

Watts also believed that the search for meaning often leads people to become overly focused on achieving goals or accumulating possessions, which can distract from the present moment and cause anxiety and stress. He advocated for living in the present and finding joy in the small moments of everyday life.

In summary, Alan Watts would argue that the meaning of life is not something to be discovered or achieved, but rather something to be experienced in the present moment through living fully and engaging with the world around us.
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